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Why Startups Must Choose React Native for Mobile App Development

12 Jan 2021 | By | 5 Comments

Mobile application development is all the rage however now it isn't equivalent as it was earlier. Going mobile is not, at this point an issue of 'why' but 'when'. Desktop sites have begun getting supplanted by Mobile phone applications that drive business esteem just as development.

You need to pick a language and it is a significant choice. There are hundreds of languages out there however only a couple of them equipped with large communities. In the open-source world, communities are significant as large communities are behind each vigorous innovation.

You should consistently choose a programming language based on versatility and simple connectivity with different languages. React Native is the language offering adaptability and execution, both simultaneously.

What is React Native?

React Native is a framework, composed via native components, creates native mobile apps for cross-platforms like Android, iOS, and Windows, adopting JavaScript. Referencing Native here implies that React Native renders application utilizing native components that give a native-like feel to your application. More than that, React Native reduces down the cost of your development and assists developers & Start-ups to fasten the cycle.

Why Should Start-ups Choose React Native?

Cross-platform Support

Since iOS and Android are different platforms, the growth of native applications for these two will be an overwhelming errand. The cross-platform capability is the best part about the React Native framework i.e., a single codebase will be used for both the platforms.

How does this work? The platform will determine the platform on which the application is running and quickly picks up the right file. Subsequently, the React Native applications can be created by occupying a solitary codebase for Android and iOS concurrently.

Better User Experience

The applications of React native are more familiar among business people because of their capacity to convey reliable user experience across numerous mobile platforms. Clients over the world aspire for an error-free experience and need the application to be responsive on any device they work on. Being proficient with its loading speed, react native apps even can promptly acclimate to various device screen configurations. Not just this, they can even withstand and resolve the issue of insecure data streaming.

Finding bugs is easier

As referenced earlier the code stays comparative for the two iOS and Android stages, so you need to update the code once. This makes it simple to discover the errors as you need to focus on a solitary code base as opposed to discovering bugs into two distinct codes. Furthermore, when the bugs are discovered, the code can be fixed once and then updated over various versatile mobile OS for use.

Change Any Web Project into a Mobile Decision Easily

With React Native, a code is reusable. One update is required for two platforms. It improves distinguishing bugs between codebases a great deal. React Native interface is modular & instinctive. It implies that developers who aren't engaged with a task can quickly learn it and accept it as a premise. A team's adaptability expands & web application updates are simpler to make. QA engineers, in their turn, spend fewer hours diving into programming logic & composing important test cases. This permits you to spare time for changing a web project into a mobile choice.

No modification for current applications

If an application is now running on any local or cross-platform framework & you are intending to change to React Native, it won't be a difficult to redesign.


I believe these top reasons give you a completely clear image of what is React Native is all about & why it is more famous in the mobile app development world. In this way, to sum up, it all, if you need to build up an all-time hybrid just as a Native mobile application, that is user-friendly and gives a consistent user experience, you know where to go to.

Get in touch to discuss about your mobile app development projects.

Email : info@visualinfocraft.com

Skype : live:anilker.dev

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